To be a businessman
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why to be a businessman
This is insight from my experience of 1 year entrepreneur. Why to be a businessman. The reasons are:
- Each one is for “money” (at least some kind of “money” - here what I mean is short term, money; but long term might be reputation or shape.)
- there are 2 types of “money”, one is short term, which means get cash shortly;
- the other type is long term, which means we could get recognition/reputation, not cash.
how to be a businessman
To be a business man, you should know what your value is firstly. In order to know yourself, let’s do self-assessment.
Secondly you need to know the market price, so keep the connection with market, don’t lose focus and the connection.
About Bob Jiang
BoB Jiang
- HiBlock区块链社区(发起人
- 中国北方的第一位CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)
- 国内的敏捷(Agile)大咖
- 敏捷变革中心(Center for Agile Transformation)合伙人
- 敏捷一千零一夜社区合伙人
- 敏捷之旅核心组织者
- 《Scrum精髓》译者