Keynote: The science of timing - midpoints & endings

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Keynote: The science of timing - midpoints & endings

Photo by Zuzi

For midpoint, there would normally be an uh-oh effect, watch out.

being slightly behind [at halftime] significantly increases a team’s chance of winning.

So how to deal with midpoints: 1. be aware. 2. use midpoints to wake up rather than roll over. 3. Imagine you’re a little behind. (pretend to)

What endings do: 1. help us energize. 2. help us encode. 3. help us elevate.

Whole 5 takeways from keynote: 1. shine a light on endings to energize yourself and others. 2. consider short fuses rather than long fuses. (shorter sprint) 3. remember that how people behave and how situations unfold at the end deeply shape how we remember them. 4. always give the bad news first. 5. highlight the last chocolate.

So last, but not least, here is Bob Jiang from Beijing, China, summary from #SGAUS19 keynote about “The science of timing - midpoints & endings” by Daniel Pink.

What is Scrum Gathering Austin

Scrum Gathering Austin is a global scrum gathering hosted by Scrum Alliance.

Scrum Alliance is changing its way of working, creating end to end small team collaborating with community. Certified Agile Coach is the first priority for next steps.

Let’s stay tuned.


每日一问:Daniel Pink的分享,对你的启发是什么?



BoB Jiang

  • 中国北方的第一位CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)
  • 敏捷变革中心(Center for Agile Transformation)合伙人
  • Bob的博客、《Scrum精髓》译者
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