Think BIG, but act small

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Think BIG, act small

First heard this sentence ‘think big, but act small’, I am totally inspired. Why?

I am a trainer, and have many friends like me as trainers or consultants. Often I have some ‘great’ ideas, but I didn’t move forward, so I would miss some opportunities as well. Then if I have any idea, and would like to make it real, and I have to do something, aka. act a small step.

Based on last topic, ‘delivery vs. discovery’, in order to measure ‘delivery’, we need to set a big goal (which means think big), but we also need to set small target for each small step.

My story about think big and act small

I would like to share my story about acting small with think big.

Here is my CST journey.

Maybe you know, Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) is certified by ScrumAlliance, which is hard to get it. I am so honored to be one of CSTs, to promote Scrum all over the world. See more details, visit ScrumAlliance.

In 2014, I got to know CST and the business model, and then I had a goal to be a CST. In the following 3 years, all my small actions towards this big goal. E.g I tought multiple-day Scrum class, and I involved more agile community activities. Also I gave speeches in many conferences.

There is a minimal requirement for applying CST, like a measurement for me, or my north star. Finally I got CST in the late of 2016.

想要学习 CSM敏捷认证,一起来报名吧!

About Bob Jiang

BoB Jiang

  • HiBlock区块链社区(发起人
  • 中国北方的第一位CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)
  • 国内的敏捷(Agile)大咖
  • 敏捷变革中心(Center for Agile Transformation)合伙人
  • 敏捷一千零一夜社区合伙人
  • 敏捷之旅核心组织者
  • 《Scrum精髓》译者